Friday, June 04, 2004

Speling Be

Hi All!

All packed for Carlisle, but got a hoot out of the coverage of those robotic kids at the National Spelling Bee.

At Saint Mark's School, we always had more boys than girls (later my HS history teacher used to posit that when we got too many boys, it was time for a war ;-(

The girls got to "draft" a couple of ringers, and I was always first pick, unlike my experience in sports where I was always last.

In 1969, we had an All School Bee in the gym, and the guys got to "protect" a couple. So I played with the boys.

I had read every Dr Dolittle Book over the previous summer, so when my first word came up I confidently spelled "I N C H E."

You can probably imagine the way I was treated by my gender-mates after that. The girls won.

Well, at least I spelled it right in the British style.



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