Friday, August 20, 2004

Sad Epitaph

Hi All!

FBS (Feverish Brain Syndrome) has carried me this far. I saw a report on the news that related quite disturbingly to my experience as reported in my "Life in Perspective" piece that might still be on the click-column but is in the August archives at least or scroll down. Whatever.

In retrospect, this cynical "read between the lines" asshole would have figured it out, but having spoken with the Mayor's wife at length a few days before her husband apparently willfully offed himself gave me pause.

The absolute innocence, even chirpiness she expressed in her description of the bad stuff that had happened to her family lately and her openness with a stranger who empathized with her husband and kids and had "really" lost his prized car, I had my eye a wee less jaundiced than my medical condition chronically exhibits.

Life is short indeed. Selfishness is endless.



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