Friday, April 13, 2007

Which Paper Do You Read?

Hi All!

One of my expensive hobbies is subscribing to the two competing newspapers in town: The St. Paul Pioneer Press and the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

The editorial slant of the Pioneer Press is Left of Center, the Strib is damned near Socialist.

Other than the difference in viewpoint I get from reading both papers I often notice strange little things.

The front Sports page of both featured the Minnesota Wild's goalie getting hammered while the puck sits helplessly, waiting to be poked in for the win.

Both papers' pictures were, to my trained eye, absolutely identical but for cropping.

Same picture, two photographers. How can two different people from two different employers come up with the frozen instant in time? Amazing. And what are the odds of both papers putting it above the fold?

I have captured the Minneapolis picture -- I need to link you to the St. Paul photo as I can't capture it. The picture is the second one in the slide show.

My dauber is still down but Spring holds promise of starting to cheer me up. Am advancing to the liver transplant list with a summer-full of appointments for tests, etc.



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